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behind the chair

Mark Phillips is the owner and master stylist of stil salon.

Mark has been the hair business for over 20 years. Mark grew up in Dalton GA where he took his first cosmetology classes. It wasn't until years later that Mark actually decided to pursue a career in cosmetology. 
Mark started in the hair business in Atlanta and within 5 years opened his own salon in Woodstock.


Mark is certified in European hair coloring. Mark continues to train to learn the latest hair trends and is known for his great womens' styles and blowouts.


When not working Mark loves spending time with his dogs and spouse, vacationing at the beach, watching and playing tennis, enjoying a good pizza, and of course listening to Olivia Newton-John. Mark has a quick wit and can often be heard quoting Steel Magnolias or The Golden Girls. 


s t i l

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